As part of the requirement from my Polytechnic, we have to go through a minimum of 3 months internship. I was selected to undergo my internship at Jet Aviation.

I was assigned to various projects that dealt directly with the Logistics and Supply Chain Department. Projects such as to revamp the consignment store, arranging and recording stocks according to the type and size. Reorganizing certain parts and layout of the warehouse to provide convenience and access for all employees.

The projects I took definitely allowed me to portray my knowledge and skills in strategic planning, project management, and also team leadership. Despite my lack of knowledge in the Aviation Sector, I showed great interest and is keen to learn at any task given.

Due to the fluid nature of the team’s work and methodologies, I had to keep up with changes constantly, while still being able to comprehend and capture the essence of what the team does. Moreover, I was tasked to assist the department’s Inspectors with some technical and visual Inspection of Important Parts, Documents and Dangerous Goods.

With all being said, I believed my internship experience has help groomed me in my communication, efficiency and attitude. I have also learnt to speak up to ask or sometimes even question the underlying principles of various rules and regulations in the Aviation Industry.

A personal blog for my projects and interests, Made with by Arick Soo